Use of website

I. Use of (hereinafter referred to as “Website” )

This Website is intended to facilitate of the communication of individual companies (Partners) with HKSTP in relation to the application for tenancy or the various incubation programs offered by HKSTP, input and/or update of company information of the Partners, as well as the ongoing administrative engagement between HKSTP and Partners under the tenancy or the incubation programs, such as applying for aid-funding reimbursements, submitting their annual business updates, submitting their technical and business development progress updates, etc.

The use of the Website is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Any use of the Website must be for lawful purposes and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations and any internal guidelines or rules which may be imposed by HKSTP from time to time.
  2. Partners are required to have pre-assigned employer accounts. Each Partner will receive a password, and a username for access to the Website It is the responsibility of Partners to keep all relevant information of the user account, such as passwords, usernames confidential and to prevent any unauthorized access to the account.
  3. Any access to the Website using the Partners’ assigned usernames and passwords (whether the same have been authorized or not) shall be deemed to constitute the use of the Website by the Partners and the Partners shall be solely responsible for such use.
  4. Any use by HKSTP on the personal data disclosed by the Partners through the Website shall be subject to the HKSTP’s Personal Data Collection Statement, a copy of which is attached here. Subject to the provisions under such Statement, Partners shall be responsible to ensure that all relevant approvals, consents, permissions, have been obtained to post any personal data onto the Website. HKSTP shall not be liable for any unauthorized use or disclosure of such personal data.
  5. The Partners shall ensure, and shall procure their employees, directors, agents, contractors (“Authorised Persons”) to ensure that the content posted onto the Website or other linked web pages is accurate, complete and truthful.

II. Prohibited Uses

Without prejudice to the provisions under Section I, the Partners shall not use the Website for any of the following purposes:

  1. Any purposes other than those in relation to the application and administration of the tenancy and the various incubation programmes offered by HKSTP.
  2. The posting of any incomplete, false, exaggerated or inaccurate information about the company and/or the posting of any obscene, threatening, defamatory, offensive, insulting, vulgar, profane, humiliating or otherwise illegal messages onto the Website. HKSTP reserves the right to remove any such messages as it deems fit without notice.
  3. Any use of the Website which amounts to the infringement of other people’s rights, including, without limitation, intellectual property rights and privacy rights.
  4. Any unauthorized access to other Partner’s accounts.
  5. Any activities which amount to the probing, testing or destroying the security system of the Website or the interruption of the operation of the Website. HKSTP reserves the right to demand payment of any expenses incurred by HKSTP to repair any damage to the security system or the Website caused by the Partner’s activities.

III. Copyright and Trademark

All intellectual property rights in the graphics, pictures, information and download files on the Website belong to HKSTP The Partners are prohibited from downloading or reproducing the use of such materials without the prior written consent of HKSTP.

IV. Liabilities

Partners acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any information and materials posted by Partners onto the Website, including without limitation, any company profile, advertisement, HKSTP hereby disclaims all liabilities whatsoever towards the Partners or any third parties arising from or in connection with the posting, use or reliance of any such information.

  1. HKSTP is not responsible for the content of any other web sites linked to the Website. Any links to such web sites are provided as internet navigation tools only. HKSTP does not warrant that any resume, advertisement or web page will be viewed by any specific number of users or that it will be viewed by any specific user.
  2. HKSTP is not in any circumstances be considered an agent with respect to any Partner’s use of the Website and HKSTP has no liability whatsoever in relation to or arising from the Partner’s use of the Website for whatever purposes.
  3. HKSTP does not warrant that the Website will operate error-free or that its web sites and its server are free of viruses or other harmful mechanisms. If use of the web sites or their contents result in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, by any partner, HKSTP will not be responsible for those costs. HKSTP's Website and their contents are provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, HKSTP disclaims all warranties, including without prejudice to the foregoing, any in respect of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights, fitness for particular purpose, or about the accuracy, reliability completeness or timeliness of the contents, services, software, text, graphics and links of HKSTP's web sites.
  4. Without prejudice to the generality of the above provisions, HKSTP shall not incur any liability whatsoever arising from or in relation to the use of the Website by the Partners.

V. Termination and Revocation

HKSTP reserves the right to terminate the use of the Website immediately in the event that any Partner is found to have breached any of the terms herein stated and have failed to rectify such breach within the time specified by HKSTP.
Upon such termination, the relevant Partner shall immediately cease using the Website and remove all content on the Website, failing which HKSTP shall remove the same. All costs in removing such content shall be payable by the Partner upon request.
Any termination of the use of the Website shall be without prejudice to the rights accrued to HKSTP prior to such termination.

VI. Amendment

HKSTP reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions as it deems fit from time to time.

VII. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The use of the Website shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with use of the. Website shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the HKSAR.